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Энциклопедический словарь, 1998 г.

киракос гандзакеци

КИРАКОС ГАНДЗАКЕЦИ (1200-71) армянский историк. Был в плену у монголов. Основные труды: "История Армении" (нач. 4 в. - 1265; издана на армянском языке 1961). Описал монгольское завоевание Армении, походы хорезмшаха Джелал-ад-Дина и др.

Большая Советская Энциклопедия

Киракос Гандзакеци

(1200≈1271), армянский историк, автор «Истории Армении». Первая её часть охватывает период с начала 4 в. по 1197, во второй ≈ изложение доведено до 1265. Более ценной является 2-я часть, основанная на устных свидетельствах современников и личных наблюдениях К. Г., долгое время бывшего в плену у монголов. В ней подробно описано нашествие хорезмского правителя Джалаладдина и особенно монголо-татарских орд. Соч. К. Г. ≈ важнейший источник по истории монгольского владычества в Армении и сопредельных странах.


Киракос Гандзакеци

Кирако́с Гандзакеци́ (, около 1200 — 1271 ) — армянский историк

Mongka gave a warm welcome to this faithful vassal and handed him a yarligh of diploma of investiture and protection, "a diploma", says the Armenian chronicle of Kirakos, "bearing his seal and explicitly forbidding any action against the person or states of Hethum. He also gave him a charter enfranchizing churches everywhere." Another Armenian historian, the monk "Hayton", in his Flor des extoires d"Orient, states in addition that Mongka gave his visitor an assurance that a great Mongol army under his brother, Hulagu khan, would attack Baghdad; destroy the caliphate, their "mortal enemy"; and restore the Holy Land to the Christians.

Later Armenian chroniclers, such as Samuel of Ani and Mekhitar of Airavanq, writing at the end of the twelfth century, and Kirakos of Gantzag and Vartan the Great, in the thirteenth century, treat only briefly of the First Crusade.

The Armenian cleric and historian Kirakos (d.1272) describes the Tatar"s arrival thus...

The Armenian historian Kirakos of Ganjak (1201—1272), a cleric and onetime captive of the Mongols, described them as "hideous and frightful to look upon". He remarked upon their lack of facial hair and "narrow and quick-glancing" eyes, "shrill and piercing" voices and notes that they were "long-lived and hardly". A contemporary of Kirakos, another Christian Armenian cleric, Grigor of Akanc, is more colorful in his depiction of the invaders from the Nation of Archers, as he called the Mongols.

However, the Armenian historian Kirakos of Gandzak noted in his History of the Armenians that at some date, Viro traveled to Armenia and freed Armenian, Georgian, and Abkhazian prisoners from the Khazar shad.

. Автор труда «История Армении» описывающий монгольское завоевание Армении , походы хорезмшаха Джелал-ад-Дина и др.